Enneagram Explorer

About Enneagram Explorer

I’m glad you have found your way to my experiment website on the Enneagram model of personality!
About the Enneagram
The Enneagram is a personality typing system consisting of nine different life strategies or motivational forces. It is a large system that has been constructed by many different people over the years, and it is a helpful tool to learn about your own and others’ motivations, relationships and paths to psychological growth.

Read more about the Enneagram model.
About the Enneagram Explorer
This tool is a bit different from other personality testing tools or Enneagram testing tools. Finding your Enneagram type is hard, and the various tests out there are not very accurate in predicting your type. This testing tool is not more accurate than any other tool, but instead you can use it interactively as an exploration tool. For each question you answer, you will instantly get feedback on how the calculation of your types changes depending on your answers. You can go back and forth to the questions you’re uncertain about, and change your answer, and see how this affects the predicted Enneagram type.

The questions and calculations are based on the open source model from Open-Source Psychometrics Project.

The aim with Enneagram Explorer is to continue the development of the assessment and make it even more accurate in indicating the Enneagram type.

Please consider signing up to the newsletter if you want to follow the progress of this tool as it gets further improved.
About the creator
I have a big fascination with psychometrics (such as personality models and testing tools) and especially the Enneagram model, which has been tremendously helpful in my own life. I hope this tool will be helpful for others to make better use of the Enneagram model in their lives, and that this tool can be developed further based on feedback from the users.

Christian Ubbesen
Stockholm, Sweden

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